
Affordable Bora Bora vacation Tips

Choose a more affordable room like a beach bungalow

Want to see Bora Bora on a budget? We've done it many times. An affordable Bora Bora vacation is possible if you know how. Here are suggestions for how to enjoy the most beautiful island in the world without maxing out your credit card.

Choose Affordable Bora Bora Vacation Resorts

Accommodation is usually the largest cost of a vacation in Bora Bora. Some hotel 'rooms' sell at $1800 per night. These villas are so luxurious you wouldn't actually want to miss a moment's vacation time by closing your eyes to sleep in them. But if you're wanting a great time without worrying what it's costing, there are affordable hotel stays at beautiful Bora Bora resorts. You just need to know what to look for.

Sail on a Tahiti Cruise

Want to sail around Tahiti and visit 5 different tropical islands, including Bora Bora? With travel, accommodation, meals and entertainment all provided for you!

One of the easiest to plan, most enjoyable and affordable Tahiti vacations we can recommend is a Tahiti Cruise. I've been on this adventure 3 times! Tahiti Cruises sail to Bora Bora several times a year on 7-14 night voyages.

A princess cruise is a lovely way to see Bora Bora on a budget

Set Up a Wedding Gift Registry

Are you planning your honeymoon? Choose a resort which offers a Wedding Gift Registry and invite family and friends to help make your dream of an affordable tropical island honeymoon come true. Use this information to put together Bora Bora honeymoon packages for Tahiti vacations.

Find Affordable Eating in Bora Bora

Before going to Tahiti I had heard a rumor that food was expensive there. It can be. But we're not zillionaires so we've discovered how to eat well and still have affordable Bora Bora vacations. Another great way to save money is to bundle together an all inclusive package that includes your resort meals. Find out why we don't recommend including all meals in your package.

Save money on alcohol

If you want to sample Tahiti cocktails at your resort's bar, do it during happy hour. At other times you can enjoy making your own drinks on the deck of your bungalow. Buying alcohol at a supermarket will cut your drinks bill to a fraction.

Buy alcohol at the local market and put in in your bunglow fridge

Book Affordable Bora Bora Vacations

Online booking engines can offer great hotel deals and even include airfares in the price. Check out details of the flights you are offered to ensure that the connections match your needs.  Some people traveling long distances enjoy having a break between flights. Others want to arrive as fast as possible. Or price may be your priority. Getting your flights connection to Tahiti can be tricky booking online. That is a reason that we recommend booking with a Tahiti specialist.

Create Bora Bora Affordable Packages

It's important to know your choices and what you must consider when planning Bora Bora affordable packages. On our site you can find detailed information on every aspect of a Bora Bora vacation. The most frequently asked questions are about how to get affordable Tahiti vacation packages. So we wrote an e-book  on how you can save thousands on a Bora Bora vacation, which has even more insider tips, in a focused, easy to read format. If you're wanting to save staying four or five star, it can also be benificial to have a trusted travel agent book your holiday.

Shop for Handmade Souvenirs

You can have a tiny shopping budget and take home gorgeous souvenirs and gifts. Some of the most precious things we have bought in Tahiti have been the cheapest. Natural shell rings, bracelets and necklaces. Hand painted pareos. Woven hats. Tiare scented coconut oil. Shop at the Arts and crafts Centre at Vaitape wharf and avoid expensive gift shop prices.

The markets have beautiful handmade gifts for bargain prices

The Resorts in Bora Bora are the Stars!

The resorts in Bora Bora are the stars! They're unlike any other hotels in the world. Most 'rooms' are exotic Polynesian style over water villas. You can have an affordable Bora Bora vacation in one with an authentic, natural décor and experience the romance of this isle. Or spoil yourself in decadence! The memories will warm you the rest of your life. Be aware that not even the best of the family pensions offer anything like the luxury, grounds or beaches that the resorts are famous for.

To get the best prices on the resorts, contact our favorite Tahiti travel agent, and not only will they give you wholesale-like rates, they will give you concierge-like service too!

Bora Bora Cheap Vacations

If you are looking for Bora Bora cheap accommodation there is a variety of pensions, guest houses and small family hotels to choose from. A few simply provide a bed and a fridge. Others welcome you into their home, escort you around the island, and have meals on offer.

We know that some travelers plan to explore Bora Bora in a casual way. They just want hospitable, affordable Bora Bora vacation accommodation as a base for experiencing the island and it's legendary lagoon. If you're wanting hints on how to have Bora Bora cheap vacations or budget Bora Bora travel we have ideas for those too.

If you are looking for all the secrets to an affordable Bora Bora vacation, you can find them here.

› Affordable Bora Bora Vacation

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