
Cheap Eating in Bora Bora

A roulotte set up in Vaitape

Here's where to go to find the best value cheap eating in Bora Bora, on a budget vacation.

Snacks & Roulottes

In Vaitape and Matira Beach small stands called 'snacks' sell burgers, roast chicken, pizza, crepes and take-out Tahitian Chinese dishes.

Each night 4 or more mobile diners set up in Vaitape Village serving grilled fish, steak and fries, kebabs, barbecued chicken legs and poisson cru. They're called Les Roulottes which literally means 'rolling food trucks'. Roulottes provide tables and chairs and are a tradition throughout Tahiti. Dine with the locals for tasty cheap eating in Bora Bora at around 1,200 XPF/$13 a meal.

Roulotte Matira has a permanent position at Matira Beach and has a reputation for delicious food.

Roulotte Matira

Roadside Stands

As you're getting around the main island you will notice little stands on the roadside offering island fruits or freshly caught lagoon fish. Do stop and treat yourself to some fresh island produce. This is really cheap eating in Bora Bora. You'll also be helping an enterprising Polynesian.

Mangos for sale!
Fresh baked pastries!

Bora Bora Supermarkets

You will find more great value cheap eating in Bora Bora if you go shopping with the locals at one of the 3 Bora Bora supermarkets. It's worth a trip just to stock up on beer, wine, and water, for a fraction of the price at hotels.

Create your own picnic or take food back to have on the deck of your bungalow. Some Bora Bora pensions provide a fridge and a kitchen so that guests can prepare their own meals. The budget hotel, Le Maitai has an empty fridge, and decks with a view.

During a 5 night stay we found some of the best cheap eating in Bora Bora and prepared our own breakfasts every morning. When most things on the island were closed for New Year's day we feasted (on our balcony) with delicious cooked foods that we had bought the day before from Chin Lee's.

Enjoying our seafood on the balcany with a view!

Chin Lee's Market

Chin's market is the busiest place in the center of Vaitape Village. It sells fresh vegetables, fruit and meat, as well as canned products, crispy fresh bread, biscuits, and a selection of cheeses. You can also take away a platter of delicious cooked food for around $10. Some of the most succulent duck, pork and seafood we've had on the island came from Chin's!

Chin Lee's market in Vaitape

Tiare Market

This bustling min-mart is a few minutes walk north from Matira Point and Le Moana. It's located between the Maitai and the Sofitel. It packs an amazing assortment of foods into a small space and sells them for good Bora Bora prices. You'll find fresh vegetables and fruits, processed meats and canned fish, all vying for a place amongst French cheeses, biscuits and crispy bread sticks.

Super U

This 3rd Bora Bora supermarket looks more like ones we are accustomed to at home. Our Polynesian friends think this has the best value, cheap eats in Bora Bora. The grocery prices are even a little cheaper. It's larger, carries more goods, and always has lots of space in the large parking lot. But it's located on the north side of Vaitape Village so it's a little harder for most tourists to get there. If you hire a car to drive round the island it's worth stopping off for some cheap snacks and drinks.

Other Cheap Eating in Bora Bora

There's a variety of cafes located between Vaitape Village and Matira Beach that also offer a wide choice of cheaper eating in Bora Bora. Here's information on the cost of eating in Bora Bora.

Want More tips on Saving Money on Bora Bora Vacations?

We have a wealth of experienced traveler's tips on how to visit Bora Bora on a budget or enjoy cheap Bora Bora vacations.

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