
High Season in Bora Bora

High season in Bora Bora is created by a combination of 2 overlapping factors – summer holidays in France and the USA, and what is often regarded as the best weather in Bora Bora. Together, these make the months of June, July, and August high season in Bora Bora because during this period the largest number of tourists visits the island.

Due to the long, summer school breaks over June, July and August, there are more families visiting Bora Bora at this time of year. As Tahiti is a 21 hour flight from Paris, many French families visit French Polynesia for an extended stay. While the islands are certainly not over-run by kids, if you want to ensure the most adult-only vacation, it is best to avoid booking your vacation over June, July and August.

The months of September and October are often included in high season by resorts and airlines, as these months also have some of the best Bora Bora weather, so more tourists take vacations at this time

Booking your Bora Bora vacation in high season

If you intend to book a vacation that falls during high season in Bora Bora, you will need to plan and book your vacation well ahead of time – at least a year in advance! If you book last minute or a few months out, you will find your choice of resorts, and room types more limited. Last minute bookings mean you can’t be too picky about the resort or room you stay in. You will likely either miss out on the good room you wanted, or have to pay more for a room type you didn’t want.

Bora Bora is a unique destination where wholesalers are able to access better rates than you will find on the internet. Which is why we recommend you get a quote from our favorite Tahiti travel agent.

Book your Bora Bora excursions in advance

Our favorite sailing excursion takes only 8 people

You will also want to book some of the essential Bora Bora experiences before your vacation, as the best ones have limited spaces and sell out in peak season in Bora Bora. We discovered this on our recent June vacation to Bora Bora – we missed out on a highly-rated sunset sailing cruise even though we tried to book it 3 weeks in advance. I wouldn’t want to miss out on the top 10 things to do in Bora Bora, so suggest booking these as soon as you have your vacation dates set.

Bora Bora high season airfares

Find out what you need to know to select the best Tahiti airfares before you book your flight. High season airfares to Bora Bora cost around $1700 return form the USA. As there is more demand for these flights, and not many flights to Tahiti per week, you will want to secure your Tahiti airfare before or at the same time as booking your Bora Bora accommodation. The easiest way to ensure that you secure your high season Bora Bora vacation for the best possible price, and everything flows smoothly, is to get a Bora Bora vacation package from a Tahiti specialist.

It’s important to know that flights to Tahiti either arrive very late at night or first thing in the morning. If you want to arrive without having to immediately stay the night at a Tahiti airport hotel before moving on to your flight to Bora Bora, you will want to secure your Tahiti flight before everyone else has booked it out.

Flights to Bora Bora

In high season, 6 flights per day fly from Tahiti’s international airport to Bora Bora. The morning flights are the most popular, so plan to secure your Bora Bora flight right after your international flights are booked. If you are booking through our recommended Tahiti travel agent they will ensure your inter-island flights are reserved to match up with your international flight. They also have access to seats on Air Tahiti flights that appear to be full on the website – we experienced this personally! It’s just another reason to have a trusted Tahiti specialist put a your Bora Bora vacation package together.

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